
EcoShield is a log harvesting program intended to provide a firewall around your forest to protect it from fire and «Wind Damage». What we do is trace an oval around a given property and clear cut the outer third and retain the center two thirds of the mixed forest. We replant the clear-cut area with appropriate native hardwoods to create a natural fire wall. The premise is that softwoods fuel a fire and some hardwoods have the ability to survive fires.

We create a road around the property. We provide for greenhouses, and fresh water, this allows for community job opportunities. Cleaning up the tree limbs and undergrowth allows for further jobs and opportunities to convert this biomass to biochar (fertilizer) and activated carbon (used for filtration across the world). 

To further protect the core forest, a fleet of drones is provided, which are managed by satellite, each of which can carry up to 550 pounds of fire retardant. If the satellite detects a lighting strike or possible fire, it sends out the drones to inspect and put out any small fire before it becomes a big one.

A property must be a minimum of 10,000 hectares to qualify. The best aspect of the EcoShield program is that it adds additionalities to a carbon credit program. Where forest-based carbon credits normally sell between $3 an $12 per credit, an EcoShield program would sell closer to $25 per credit and the approximately 30% of the forest that was clearcut is fully eligible as part of the carbon credit project.

An intrinsic part of the EcoShield program is the inclusion and funding for:

  • Improvement of access roads.
  • The creation of a service road around the property.
  • A fire-retardant drone program
  • A 25-kilometer squarer adius internet service.
  • Hydroponic green houses, initially for a tree nursery and later for food production.
  • Development of clean water sources.
  • Security development and training.
  • Biochar units to cleanup the logging debris and provide ongoing and profitable business and employment.

Essentially, a lot of valuable infrastructure comes with the project, the log royalties are half that of the EcoSelect program (where no programs are required that necessitate funding) and the subsequent carbon credits are much more valuable due to the added additionalities.

How do we get started?

First, we collect information from you via a questionnaire about your property and ask for documents pertaining to ownership, timber licenses, legal authorities, government approvals and questions about the forest (tree types, percentages and sizes) and terrain. If we think the customer has proper authorities and the proposed forest is appropriate, we do a detailed scrutiny of the documents including whether money laundering, criminal elements or sanctioned individuals are involved.
Once the paperwork passes inspection and review, we generally send someone out to inspect the property and determine who will be responsible for harvesting etc. Often communities have their own harvesters and local sawmills. We work with the community’s harvesters and/or arrange for any harvesters and logistics that are required to mill, containerize, provide security for, transport, inspect, fumigate and ship the logs. Having assessed all our costs properly, including the costs of any services and infrastructure that we are providing, a royalty agreement for the timber that is cut will be signed. The royalties will vary by species and be based per cubic meter.

  • When do we get paid?

Once we get started, timber shipments will go out every few days. Once each load of timber is shipped from the port, the royalties from those shipments are paid.

  • What can we use the money for?

The money generated can be used to fund your carbon credit project or anything else the community or landowner wants.


– Answer: EcoShield is a protective barrier comprising native hardwoods strategically established to shield forests from wildfires, external threats, including serving as a natural wind barrier against devastating hurricanes, while promoting ecosystem health.

– Answer: EcoShield acts as a physical barrier, safeguarding forests from forest fires, external threats and mitigating the impact of hurricanes, thus contributing to the resilience of the forest ecosystem.

– Answer: By implementing EcoShield, you can expect increased forest resilience, reduced fire risk, improved biodiversity, hurricane protection, and potential income from sustainable forestry practices.

– Answer: EcoShield is designed to minimize disturbance to the natural ecosystem, maintaining a balance while providing greater protection to existing habitat, and supporting its resilience to extreme weather events.

– Answer: EcoShield offers a double economic benefit to homeowners. Initially, through selective logging, landowners benefit from timber sales generated by carefully harvested trees. In the long term, EcoShield continues to provide income through the generation of carbon credits. These credits are the result of the protected forest’s ability to sequester carbon over time, contributing to the owner’s continued income while promoting sustainable land management practices.

– Answer: The process involves strategically planting native hardwoods to create a protective barrier, designed to minimize disturbance and preserve the existing landscape to the extent possible.

– Answer: Our team is certified in responsible forestry practices and has a proven track record of successfully implementing EcoShield while meeting environmental standards.

– Answer: Yes, we encourage your participation and offer you opportunities to do so, such as regular updates, site visits, and participation in the process whenever possible;

– Answer: EcoShield contributes to the preservation of the environment by improving the resistance of forests, protecting biodiversity, mitigating the risks of forest fires and serving perfectly as a natural barrier against devastating hurricanes, promoting a healthier ecosystem.


Using the resources on your land to protect the land.



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Nairobi Kenya
Sydney Australia
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